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AEC compliant
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Sierra Wireless
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Automotive-grade IoT Module Mass production 37mm 32mm 3.6mm - others digital others others others
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION 14443 High Speed Passive Tag Interface Scheduled to be discontinued MLPD 3mm 3mm 0.88mm Surface mount technology 0.5mm 10 - analog DECT others others
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION 14443 High Speed Passive Tag Interface Scheduled to be discontinued MLPD 3mm 3mm 0.88mm Surface mount technology 0.5mm 10 - analog DECT others others
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION 14443 High Speed Passive Tag Interface Scheduled to be discontinued Sorted Wafer 1.59mm 1.25mm Surface mount technology 11 - analog DECT others others
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION 14443 High Speed Passive Tag Interface Scheduled to be discontinued WL-CSP 1.59mm 1.25mm 0.4mm Surface mount technology 0.4mm 10 - analog DECT others others
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION 14443 High Speed Passive Tag Interface Scheduled to be discontinued WL-CSP 1.59mm 1.25mm 0.4mm Surface mount technology 0.4mm 10 - analog DECT others others
Sierra Wireless
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Product Technical Specification Mass production Module 18mm 11.8mm 2mm Surface mount technology 0.8mm 51 - Europe analog/digital Bluetooth 2.4GHz band others
Infineon Technologies
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Dual Single Pole Single Throw Antenna Tuning Switch Mass production TSNP-10-1 1.5mm 1.1mm Surface mount technology 0.4mm 10 - digital others others
Infineon Technologies
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Ultra high RF voltage antenna tuning SP4T Mass production TSLP-10-3 1.5mm 1.1mm Surface mount technology 0.4mm 10 -
Infineon Technologies
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Ultra Low Resistance Antenna Tuning SP4T Mass production TSLP-10-3 1.5mm 1.1mm Surface mount technology 0.4mm 10 -
Sierra Wireless
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Product Technical Specification Mass production Module 11.5mm 9.5mm 0.56mm Surface mount technology 0.65mm 54 - Europe analog/digital others 2.4GHz band others
Sierra Wireless
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Product Technical Specification Mass production Module 13.5mm 11.5mm 0.65mm Surface mount technology 0.65mm 54 - Europe analog/digital others 2.4GHz band others
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Advance preparation 35-pin LGA 9.5mm 7.5mm Surface mount technology digital
Infineon Technologies
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION EZ-BLE Creator Module Mass production 22-pad SMT 10mm 10mm 1.6mm Surface mount technology 0.762mm 22 - Europe analog/digital Bluetooth 2.4GHz band
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION OMNI-DIRECTIONAL HANDS-FREE PRESENTATION IMAGERS Mass production 8.21cm 8cm 14cm Other - the universe others others others others
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Highly versatile, reliable and rugged routers Mass production 85.75mm 61.25mm 24.5mm Surface mount technology - the universe digital others 2.4GHz band
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Highly versatile, reliable and rugged routers Mass production 85.75mm 61.25mm 24.5mm Surface mount technology - the universe digital others 2.4GHz band
Sierra Wireless
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Product Technical Specification Mass production Module 42mm 30mm Surface mount technology 67 - others analog/digital others others others
Sierra Wireless
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION Product Technical Specification Mass production Module 42mm 30mm 0.8mm Surface mount technology - the universe digital Bluetooth others others
TRANSCEIVER UNITS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION u-blox 8 GNSS module Mass production 7mm 7mm 1.06mm Surface mount technology 0.6mm 0.65mm 0.7mm 36 - digital others others