About e-NEXTY(イーネクスティ)

e-NEXTY is an engineer design support site operated by Nexty Electronics.
A wide variety of functions support parts selection, including alternative parts search, overseas low-cost parts/advanced technology information, etc.

We offer a number of events such as members-only online seminars and
other features that make our functions even more convenient for our members.
Please register as a member.

List of Functions


Parts Search

Search over 3 million electronic components.
You can check the details of components and obtain data sheets and CAD data.
You can compare parts from multiple manufacturers and purchase them together.


More than 3 million parts can be searched in a way that suits your purpose.

  • 1 Search by Keyword(Parts name, Manufacturer, Category)

    Displays parts name and manufacturer name as you type

  • 2 Search by category

    Hierarchical subcategories can also be specified

  • 3 Narrow down your search by product specifications

    Selecting each specification narrows down the list in real time

  • 4 Search for similar products by type and parts name

  • 5 Search multiple product model numbers at once


2Check parts details, Compare and Buy

Data sheets, CAD data, detailed product characteristics, and NEXTY's handling experience are available.

  • …Compare selected parts

  • …Buy selected parts

  • Members only

    FAE Technical Support

    NEXTY Support…Nexty Electronics' FAE Technical Support is available to assist you.


Technical Information

Nexty Electronics offers selected electronics information through online seminars, web exhibitions, and web content.

1Online seminars and web exhibitions Members only

Online seminars and web exhibitions on a variety of electronics-related topics will be held.
An archive of past seminars and exhibitions is also available*!

Seminar page

Participation in seminars and exhibitions is free of charge.

You can view the archives at any time.*

*Archives may be unavailable or terminated without notice.

2Information content

1 Next Technologies

Nexty Electronics independently collects information on cutting-edge technologies in Japan and overseas

2 New Products

New products of interest from Nexty Electronics' product line

Article List


Design Support Tools

Support your design with block diagram viewing/editing and level diagram creation.

1Browse Block Diagrams

Block diagrams recommended by Nexte Electronics can be referenced and exported as PDF files by application and use.

2Edit and save block diagrams Members only

You can copy the published block diagram, edit it, and save it to My Page.
Components can be selected from a database of more than 2 million parts,
and characteristic data and data sheets can be referenced for each block.

Editing Block Diagrams

Parts DB Linkage

3Export block diagram parts list Members only

You can export in excel the list of major parts used in the block diagram.

Main Parts List

4Share block diagram Members only

Saved block diagrams can be shared with members' internal stakeholders. Shared block diagrams can be edited together with the sharer. It can also be shared with Nextelectronics personnel by specifying an email address.

5Create level diagram and search amplifiers by RF characteristics

You can create level diagrams of high-frequency components, draw graphs, and export PDFs (Members only).
You can also search for amplifiers by RF product characteristics.

Amplifier selection and placement based on frequency and characteristics

Create level diagrams, draw graphs, and save PDFs


Problem Solving Support

Services offered by Nexty Electronics.
We provide support during prototype/volume production and component failure analysis.

1PCB design/simulation analysis

UTI Collaboration

Through the collaboration of UTI's technological capabilities and Nexte Electronics' technological commercial products, we propose engineering services tailored to customer requirements.

2Quality support

TAQS Quality support from upstream processes to the end of mass production

We provide total support for manufacturing in a wide range of fields, including automobiles, home appliances, OA equipment, information and telecommunications equipment, industrial equipment, and power electronics.

3Development ・ Design / Contract Services

ODM・EMS From product development and mass production to the creation of the next generation business model, your innovation is realized.

We provide quality support in accordance with customer requirements, from component qualification activities to market failure inspection, from screening to initial failure analysis, failure analysis, quality reliability evaluation, and memory programming.

Membership benefits

If you become a member,
you can use the following features

  • Search for parts without limitation of functions

    Display of NEXTY's delivery record/NEXTY support Other support is available!

  • Participate in online seminars and exhibitions

    Participate in online seminars and trade shows to get the latest and hottest electronics information!

  • Utilize the Design Support Tools membership feature

    Edit, save, and share block and level diagrams. More convenient and optimal component selection!

  • Utilize My Page

    My Block Diagram, Manage Inquiry History, and more convenient use of e-NEXTY!

Functional Comparison Table

Function Non-member Member
Parts Search Search by
Keyword or Category
Comparison of
selected parts
View Datasheet
Show NEXTY Support ×
NEXTY supported products
are supported by FAE
Show NEXTY's delivery record ×
Batch search for
multiple part names

Up to 3 parts
can be searched
at a time

No limit on
the number of cases
Find similar products
Up to 1 parts
can be searched
at a time

No limit on
the number of cases
Purchase parts
(Nexty・Chipone stop)
Inquiry for inventory
confirmation of EOL products
Technical Information Online seminars and
web exhibitions
Only the list can be viewed

Participation in online seminars
and exhibitions available
Browse information
Design Support Tools Refer to the public
block diagram
Block Diagram
Amplifier search
by RF characteristics
Create Level diagram ×
Problem Solving Support Browse our services
Inquiry Inquiry
My page User Information|My Block Diagram|
Check Inquiry History|New Notification
Make e-NEXTY even
more useful!

All of these features are free!

Administrator Information

NEXTY Electronics Corporation