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Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS Precision, Wide Bandwidth 3-Port Isolation Amplifier Scheduled to be discontinued 53.3mm 25.4mm 8.91mm PCB insertion 2.54mm 12 - connector -40Cel 85Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS Dual-Channel Digital Isolators Mass production SOIC-8 4.9mm 3.9mm 1.375mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 8 - pin -40Cel 105Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV rms, Dual-Channel Digital Isolator Mass production SOIC_N/R-8 4.9mm 3.9mm 1.375mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 8 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators Mass production SOIC-8 4.9mm 3.9mm 1.375mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 8 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators Mass production SOIC-8 4.9mm 3.9mm 1.375mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 8 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV rms, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators Mass production SOIC_N 8L 4.9mm 3.9mm 1.375mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 8 pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolators Mass production QSOP-16 4.9mm 3.91mm 1.45mm Surface mount technology 0.64mm 16 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolators Mass production QSOP-16 4.9mm 3.91mm 1.45mm Surface mount technology 0.64mm 16 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolators Mass production QSOP-16 4.9mm 3.91mm 1.45mm Surface mount technology 0.64mm 16 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolators Mass production SOIC-16W 10.3mm 7.5mm 2.3mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 16 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolators Mass production SOIC-16W 10.3mm 7.5mm 2.3mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 16 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolator Mass production SOIC_W/RW-16 10.3mm 7.5mm 2.3mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 16 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.0 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolators Mass production QSOP-16 4.9mm 3.91mm 1.45mm Surface mount technology 0.64mm 16 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolator Mass production SOIC_W/RW-16 10.3mm 7.5mm 2.3mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 16 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators, 5 kV Mass production SOIC-16W 10.3mm 7.5mm 2.3mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 16 - pin -40Cel 105Cel 1000kHz
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 5.0 kV RMS Dual Channel Digital Isolators Mass production SOIC_IC 8-Lead 7.5mm 5.85mm 2.35mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 8 - pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS Full/Low Speed 2.5 kV USB Digital Isolator Mass production SOIC-16W 10.3mm 7.5mm 2.3mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 16 - pin -40Cel 105Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS 5.7 kV rms Quad Digital Isolator Mass production SOIC_W/RW-16 10.3mm 7.5mm 2.3mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 16 pin -40Cel 125Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS Dual-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converters Mass production SSOP-20 7.2mm 5.3mm 1.75mm Surface mount technology 0.65mm 20 - pin -40Cel 105Cel
Analog Devices
CIRCULATORS/ISOLATORS Quad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter Mass production SOIC-16W 10.3mm 7.5mm 2.3mm Surface mount technology 1.27mm 16 - pin -40Cel 105Cel