"IO-Link Wireless"
The Fast and Robust Wireless network system for Smart Factory

The fast and robust wireless network which can be deployed less expensively than local

CoreTigo has led the standardization of "IO-Link Wireless", which is wireless ver. IO-Link, growing in-plant wired.
It contributes the cost reduction flexibility and adaptivity, by removing the wired cables.

Factory IoT Factory Automation  Smart Factory  IoT Connected


Low Latency Data

Less than 5ms of latency between sensors/actuators and PLC.

As High Reliability As
 Physical Cable

Very low packet error late(PER<1e-9), which is almost same as physical cable.

High Scalability

The solution is applicable for all the sensors / actuators. 1 master can be connected with 40 different devices.

High Speed Motion

Fit for rotating and dynamic machine components.

Industry Standard

IEC-61131-9 designed for harsh industrial applications.

Use Case

Packaging Machinery

Supporting a broad range of package variations, reduce changeover time, increase capacity and much more.

Smart Machine Tooling

Enabling setting up a machine for operating with exact parameters and real-time monitoring.

Robotic end-of-arm

Providing full-range of motion for Robots & Cobots, enabling using different end-effectors wirelessly.

Machine Retrofit/IIoT

Retrofiting existing machines into wireless ones without needing to replace them, gaining cross-factory connectivity.