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NEXTY sales results
Family or series name
Product lifecycle stage
Package type
Body length[Typ]
Body breadth[Typ]
Body height[Typ]
Mounting method
Pin Pitch[Typ]
Number of terminals[Nom]
AEC compliant
Number of transistors[Nom]
Gate-emitter leakage current[Typ] (A)
Gate-emitter leakage current[Max] (A)
Collector-emitter saturation voltage[Typ] (V)
Collector-emitter saturation voltage[Max] (V)
Gate-emitter voltage[Max] (V)
Collector current (DC)[Max] (A)
Collector-emitter power dissipation[Max] (W)
Collector-emitter cutoff current[Max] (A)
Collector-emitter voltage[Max] (V)
Gate-emitter threshold voltage[Min] (V)
Gate-emitter threshold voltage[Typ] (V)
Gate-emitter threshold voltage[Max] (V)
Channel type
Applied filter
Manufecturer =
ON Semiconductor

Purchase Number of records to be displayed:
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE EcoSPARK2 300mJ, 400V, N-Channel Ignition IGBT Mass production TO-252AA 6.54mm 6.095mm 2.285mm Surface mount technology 2.29mm 3 1 1.15V 1.25V 41A 150W 450V 1.9micros 7micros 1.3V 1.7V 2.2V N ch
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Ignition IGBT 20A,400V,N-Channel D^2PAK Mass production D^2PAK Surface mount technology 350microV 15A 50W 2000nV 10500ns 14000ns
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Production discontinued
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Production discontinued
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Production discontinued
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Ignition IGBT 15Amps, 350 Volts N-Channel TO-220 and D2PAK MGP15N35CL, MGB15N35CL Production discontinued TO-220/D2PAK Surface mount technology 15A 2.1V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Ignition IGBT 15 Amps, 380 Volts N-Channel TO-220 and D2PAK MGP15N38CL, MGB15N38CL1 Production discontinued TO-220/D2PAK Surface mount technology 15A 2.1V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Ignition IGBT 15 Amps, 410 Volts N-Channel TO-220 and D2PAK MGP15N40CL, MGB15N40CL Production discontinued TO-220/D2PAK Surface mount technology 15A 2.1V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Ignition IGBT 15 Amps, 430 Volts N-Channel TO-220 and D2PAK MGP15N43CL, MGB15N43CL Production discontinued TO-220/D2PAK Surface mount technology 15A 2.1V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Isulated Gate Bipolar Trnsistor MGP15N60U Production discontinued TO-220AB Surface mount technology 26A 7V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Ignition IGBT 19 Amps, 350 Volts N-Channel TO-220 and D2PAK MGP19N35CL, MGB19N35CL Production discontinued TO-220AB/D2PAK Surface mount technology 19A 2.1V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE SMARTDISCRETES Internally Clamped, N-Channel IGBT MGP20N14CL Production discontinued TO-220AB Surface mount technology 20A 2V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor MGP20N60U Production discontinued TO-220AB Surface mount technology 31A 7V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor MGP21N60E Production discontinued TO-220AB Surface mount technology 31A 8V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor MGP4N60E Production discontinued TO-220AB Surface mount technology 6A 8V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Anti-Parallel Diode MGP4N60ED Production discontinued TO-220AB Surface mount technology 6A 8V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor MGP7N60E Production discontinued TO-220AB Surface mount technology 7A 8V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Anti-Parallel Diode MGP7N60ED Production discontinued TO-220AB Surface mount technology 7A 8V
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Production discontinued
ON Semiconductor
IGBT DISCRETE Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor MGS13002D Production discontinued TO-226AE PCB insertion 0.5A 6V