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Purchase Number of records to be displayed:
ASSP FOR CAR Stand-alone Antenna Driver ATA5277 Advance preparation QFN28 Surface mount technology -40Cel 85Cel 7V 16.5V 3.5A
ASSP FOR CAR Watchdog IC ATA6025 Mass production SO8 Surface mount technology -40Cel 125Cel
ASSP FOR CAR Two-relay Flasher ATA6140 Mass production SO16 Surface mount technology -40Cel 105Cel 6V 24V 6mA
ASSP FOR CAR 12/24V System Power Supply IC Advance preparation QFN28 7x7 Surface mount technology -40Cel 125Cel 8V 40V
ASSP FOR CAR Flasher, 30 mohm Shunt, Pilot Lamp to GND or V_Batt U2043B Mass production DIP8 PCB insertion -40Cel 95Cel 9V 12V 15V 7mA 11mA
ASSP FOR CAR Flasher, 30 mohm Shunt, Pilot Lamp to GND or V_Batt U2043B Mass production SO9 Surface mount technology -40Cel 95Cel 9V 12V 15V 7mA 11mA
ASSP FOR CAR Dual Output Flasher U2044B Mass production DIP14 PCB insertion -40Cel 100Cel 8V 18V 10microA
ASSP FOR CAR Dual Output Flasher U2044B Mass production SO14 Surface mount technology -40Cel 100Cel 8V 18V 10microA
ASSP FOR CAR Automotive Lamp-outage Monitor IC U479B Mass production DIP8 PCB insertion -40Cel 95Cel 9V 15V 4.5mA 6mA
ASSP FOR CAR Automotive Lamp-outage Monitor IC U479B Mass production SO8 -40Cel 95Cel 9V 15V 4.5mA 6mA
ASSP FOR CAR Automotive Toggle Switch IC U6032B Mass production DIP8 PCB insertion -40Cel 125Cel 6V 24V 1.3mA 2mA
ASSP FOR CAR Automotive Toggle Switch IC U6032B Mass production SO8 Surface mount technology -40Cel 125Cel 6V 24V 1.3mA 2mA
ASSP FOR CAR Flasher IC with 18-mohm shunt U6043B Mass production DIP8 PCB insertion -40Cel 95Cel 9V 15V 7mA 11mA
ASSP FOR CAR Flasher IC with 18-mohm shunt U6043B Mass production SO8 Surface mount technology -40Cel 95Cel 9V 15V 7mA 11mA
ASSP FOR CAR Rear Window Heating Timer/Long-term Timer U6046B Mass production DIP8 PCB insertion -40Cel 125Cel 24V 1.3mA 2mA
ASSP FOR CAR Rear Window Heating Timer/Long-term Timer U6046B Mass production SO8 Surface mount technology -40Cel 125Cel 24V 1.3mA 2mA
ASSP FOR CAR Side-airbag Sensor Dual Interface U6268B Mass production SO16 Surface mount technology -40Cel 95Cel 5.7V 18V 200mA
ASSP FOR CAR Interval and Wipe/Wash Wiper Control IC with Delay U641B Mass production DIP8 PCB insertion -40Cel 85Cel 9V 16.5V 10mA
ASSP FOR CAR Interval and Wipe/Wash Wiper Control IC with Delay U641B Mass production SO8 Surface mount technology -40Cel 85Cel 9V 16.5V 10mA
ASSP FOR CAR Interval-and Wipe/Wash Wiper Control IC U642B Mass production DIP8 PCB insertion -40Cel 85Cel 9V 16.5V 10mA