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NEXTY sales results
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Manufecturer =
Fairchild Semiconductor

Purchase Number of records to be displayed:
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS Cellular 2 Watt Linear GaAs MMIC Power Amplifier Mass production SMD Surface mount technology 869MHz 894MHz 400mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS Cellular 2 Watt Linear GaAs MMIC Power Amplifier Mass production SMD Surface mount technology 869MHz 894MHz 400mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS PCS 2 Watt Linear GaAs MMIC Power Amplifier Mass production SMD Surface mount technology 1930MHz 1990MHz 445mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS PCS1900 2 Watt GaAs MMIC Power Amplifier Mass production SMD Surface mount technology 1930MHz 1990MHz 445mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 20 to 42GHz Broadband Driver Amplifier Mass production 20GHz 42GHz 362mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 27 to 31GHz Drive Amplifier MMIC Mass production 27GHz 31GHz 270mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS Wideband Low Noise MMIC Amplifier Mass production Surface mount technology 3.5GHz 6.5GHz 80mA 90mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 2 to 18GHz Wideband Variable-Gain Driver Amplifier Mass production 2GHz 18GHz
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 18 to 22GHz Power Amplifier MMIC Mass production 18GHz 22GHz 660mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 27 to 29GHZ 1.8 Watt Power Amplifier MMIC Mass production 27GHz 29GHz 1780mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 27 to 30GHZ 1 Watt Power Amplifier MMIC Mass production 27GHz 30GHz 850mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 29 to 31GHZ 2 Watt Power Amplifier MMIC Mass production 29GHz 31GHz 1780mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 37 to 40GHz 1 Watt Power Amplifier MMIC Mass production 37GHz 40GHz 1200mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 37 to 40GHz 1.6 Watt Power Amplifier MMIC Mass production 37GHz 40GHz 1700mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS Single Channel 6 to 18GHz 1 Watt Power Amplifier MMIC Mass production 6GHz 18GHz
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 4GHz Buffer Amplifier MMIC Mass production 3.5GHz 4GHz
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 11GHz Buffer Amplifier MMIC Mass production 10.5GHz 11.7GHz 55mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 12GHz Buffer Amplifier MMIC Mass production 8.5GHz 12GHz 120mA 220mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 24GHz Buffer Amplifier MMIC Mass production 17GHz 24GHz 80mA
Fairchild Semiconductor
MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE ICS 33GHz Buffer Amplifier MMIC Mass production 32GHz 35GHz 120mA