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NEXTY sales results
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Manufecturer =
Knowles Electronics

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Knowles Electronics
ELECTRET CONDENSER MICROPHONES Zero Height SiSonic Microphone Specification Mass production Surface mount technology omnidirectional
Knowles Electronics
ELECTRET CONDENSER MICROPHONES Zero Height Amplified SiSonic Microphone Specification Mass production Surface mount technology omnidirectional
Knowles Electronics
ELECTRET CONDENSER MICROPHONES Mini SiSonic Microphone Specification Mass production Surface mount technology omnidirectional
Knowles Electronics
ELECTRET CONDENSER MICROPHONES Mini SiSonic Microphone Specification Mass production Surface mount technology omnidirectional
Knowles Electronics
ELECTRET CONDENSER MICROPHONES Amplified Mini SiSonic Microphone Specification Mass production Surface mount technology omnidirectional
Knowles Electronics
ELECTRET CONDENSER MICROPHONES Amplified Mini SiSonic Microphone Specification Mass production Surface mount technology omnidirectional